sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Mirror word

Give me a rolling oh yeah! 

The fourth Big 7

Well yeah, I´m back! and ready to tell you all my experience on

"Mirror word!"

Powerful technique.....you bet!

Just raise you hand as if you were to touch a window and say "mirror-word!" and your students will pick up their hands responding "mirror-word!" ready to mimic your gestures and everthing you say.

           MIRROR                                            WORD

Using "Mirror-word!" will give you 100% students engagement 100% of the time.
What do you do with them?
My experience has been so possitive as my students need to be stimulate to use English and this is where we will look up into "Mirror-word!". I use "Mirror-word!" quite frequently everyday, when teaching new contents, when telling a story, giving directions, describing the steps in a procedure.... 
I speak slowly, introducing the information in small little chunks and using my gestures which most are hand motions that come natually while speaking and allowing my students to follow me, repeating my words and mimic my gestures.
My Colleague Ana and I are working very hard to get gestures that are linked to the spanish core concepts and/or state standerds here in Spain although there are lots that we can take from WBT.
There is so much involved in this as we are using four brain areas, seeing (visual cortex), saying (Broca´s area), hearing (auditory cortex) and doing (motor cortex).

By the way I heard that something new came up!

Soon I will have a post about this!

        Did I hear that rolling oh Yeah?!!!!

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"Ten en cuenta que el contenido de este vídeo y las fotos incluye escenas de menores de edad por lo que te ruego no lo compartas con nadie y lo visualices solamente tú. Además, está prohibido copiar, compartir, transmitir, retransmitir, transcribir, almacenar, alterar o reproducir por cualquier medio electrónico o mecánico este contenido, sin permiso por escrito por parte del autor."

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