martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Hands and eyes

Easier than 1-2-3 is the fifth Big 7

"Hand and eyes" or "Class boom!" and the "boom" sounds when we have our hands completely folded.

What´s so great about it?
To me it has really made a big difference. I´m not all the time calling out "1-2-3 listen to me" and waiting for kids to let go of whatever they are doing. All I do is say "Class Boom!" and I have them all responding "Yes boom!", sitting with their hand fold and looking at me....Amazing!!! 

You will need to use this 5 to 10 time everyday. 
The difference with "Class -yes" is that "Class-boom" is used when you need to introduce an important point, where as "Class-yes" is to get them back to your attention. 


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