martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

The Power of Power pix

At school we are really enthusiactic about "Power Pixs" because these correspond to content standers in both math and language.

At the moment, I use them to work on English Language arts and Social and Natural Science as these are the subjects I teach.

Power Pixs are placed on the wall and used frequently after they have been taught using the 5 step lesson (Check out the post: Where dreams come home). 
They contain a question, an answer, a gesture, and a picture that students can associate with gesture. 

This process activates the whole brain because we are hearing, saying, seeing and doing.

How do I do this?

I show the picture and make a question "What is an adjective?"

Students answer with gestures: "An adjective changes a noun."

This is a poster of my English Language Arts Power Pics taught at school this year.

As I said before, I also teach Social and Natural Science. I have created my own power pixs. Have a look a this one.

The results are amazing and I can see a better comprehention and we can recall contents over and over again.

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