sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Daily classroom procedures

Routines are also a part to deal with challenging kids during transition. This is why Rule 1 “Follow direction quickly” is a very important rule to help on classroom procedures (Check out the post for the 5 rules:"Take a deep breath.") 

Here are five of the most common procedures that involve the entire class: 
-> opening books,
-> lining up
-> handing papers in (and out)
-> being seated
-> lowering the noise level

You can use this script for these common procedures.(T=teacher // S = students)

T: Class!
S: Yes!
T: I’m now going to show you how I want you to open your books. I will say, page 9! and you say “9! 9! 9!” loudly and then open your books quickly. Hold up both hands when you are at the correct page.
Let’s practice. 9!
S: 9! 9! 9! (students open their books, many raise their hands)
T: Classity! Classity! Classity!
S: Yessity! Yessity! Yessity!
T: You can put your hands down. That wasn’t too bad for the first time, but I want you to be a bit quicker. I’m going to count to 10. If everyone has their hands up with their books open to the correct page, I’ll give the class a Smilie! Remember to repeat the page number. 4!
Students: 4! 4! 4!
(while the teacher counts 1 to 10, students race to open their books to the correct page.)

And now I want you to see how well it works in my classroom.

I can tell you I love this procedure for many reasons:
First,  there will be no need for kiddos to be asking what is to be done.
Second, kiddos feel it is a game and willing to be on task 
Third, the 10 count can be use to set class records. WBT suggests as the year progressed you would only give a Smilie when the class opened their books before 8, then before 6. 

Let me tell you "You are going to love it!"

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