lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


Learning to play, playing to learn
The Second Big 7 the Scoredboard.
You might be thinking that using a scoredboard is so complicated and makes you lose time. 

The scoredboard helps the class work as a team and brings up a positive emotional feeling. 
                 It´s so easy to use!

This is what I do.
Whenever the class does something great they get a smiley tally mark and all together shout "Oh, Yeah!" with a snapy fist pump up high. Whenever they are too slow… or make poor choices they give me a frownie tally mark and students give a "mighty Groan" raising their shoulders up and it also has to be snapy. At the end of the day we subtract the possitive and negative tally marks and the difference will be set up at the top of the scoredboard. We do this because at the end of the week we add them up and for each 10 tallies they raise up to a new level just as in a video game.

Believe it or not, you are going to see how your students feel so good about their behaviour, they will be willing to participate and their attention will increase and just because they are going to rainse a level as in a video game.

We have to keep in mind that marks can be given:
ü  For positive or negative class behaviors.
ü  Only individual positive behavior, not individual negative behavior.
ü  Remember there is no need to give warnings; you have the scoreboard to make behavior effective.
ü  Lots of penalties don´t improve behavior, 3 tally different in positive. Try something like, “You know what? There are several people in here who are doing an outstanding job. In fact, everyone at table 3 is really working hard. Here’s a Smiley for the whole class as a gift from hard working table three! Give them a cheer!”

Fully Whole Brain indeed! Their reward is a visual tally mark, vocal and physical gestures and lots of Fun!

Because you’ll be using the Scoreboard all year, there are a variety of Scoreboard strategies ... 
I will talk about them soon.

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