lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Struggling on punctuation, not any more!

Brainies cover 4 categories: Critical thinking, grammar, punctuation and specials.  But there is more! "Einstein Triangle" which I will talk about on my next post.

Blue Punctuation Brainies  are a series of gestures which enable learners to see and hear the punctuation of written language as they are speaking.
What is the advantage of doing this?
Using brainies while reading, answering questions, teach-okay,.. will turn evey day conversation in all learning areas into writing lessons.
We get a continuos learning! 
Oh yeah!
In this video I will show you the Brainies I have been using so far
in my classroom and let me tell you they are going to grow!
Last year I was teaching 2nd grade and I started with the capital letter, from there It kept growing. One of my daily routines was having my students say out the date, which I still do with my 3rd and 4th grade students this year, and it looks like this:
And of course we use brainies for reading, answering question and much more. 
Have a look at this video of my 3rd grade students using brainies!!

How to use the Brainies?
  • Laminate Brainies Desk sets. Ask Students to talk about a classroom activity and mark the punctuation braines they use.
  • Brainy Reading. During independent reading, kids make a Blue Brainy Punctuation (but not the sounds effect!)Begin by having students gesture for capital letter, then period, then comma and so forth.
  • Brainy Reading. Ask students to stop ever few minutes and paraphrase what they are reading to their neighbor using the punctuation you have selected.
  • Brainy Reading. When you read aloud, ask your kids to make the capital gestures whenever they think a sentence begins or a proper noun is used. When this is matered, pause in your reading when you encount a comma..... Students add the gestures and sounds effect.
  • Brainy Math. Students use puncutation brainies when they explain math processes and word problems to each other.
  • Students prove their answers are correct using the Because Brainy. They amplify their answer with the Adder, And and Also Brainies. They describe similar problems with the for example brainies and the If-then Brainy.
  • Brainy sharing. When ever you call on a student, the student stands, says "Class!" and then "Mirror words!"The students use Brainy Gestures (especially Capital and Period) to answer the questions.
  • Brainy review. You make brainy gestures and the students identify them or you call out "period" and the kids make the Period Brainy gestures.
  • Brainy focus. Post one or more Punctuation Brainies in front of the room. Students use these as often as possible, all day long.
  • Guess my Brainy. Pause occasionally as you talk to your students. Ask them to guess, and show you, what Punctuation Brainy you´re going to use next.
  • Brainy Recess. Tell your kids that if you see them using specific Brainies (capital or period) when they are talking to each other during recess, you´ll start the class by giving everbody a point on the scoreboard.
  • Brainy Teach-okay. You finish a short lesson and kids use brainy gestures to teach their neighbors what you said. Begin by asking them to use capital letters and period.
Coach B has a great WEBCAST about this.
Find it here:575

You get 100s of Critical Thinking Brainy reps every day!!!

Are you ready to get rolling with Brainies, give me a 
"Oh, Yeah!!!"
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