miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Who´s the Leader this week?

Well now, here are my sudents ready to rehearse the 5 rules with our leader but before I show you this video let me talk about the.... 
leader box
This is a big one and kids love it.
Because they all get to have their names go in the box again and again just because they have improved in any acadamic or social skill. On Mondays we empty the box and one gets to be the leader. But there is more, you can tell your challenging kid on friday "If I see you improve on x, by monday recess, your name will be the first one in the leader box! Don´t forget to remind me on Monday morning." You bet they won´t!
And let me say....
I´ve been using it just for two weeks so far and kids are really trying to get their name in the leader box. On Monday morning they are so exited to be chosen as the leader. We also choose two more students who will be the helpers in case the leader is absent or needs help to hand out books, worksheets, etc.

Here comes the video, enjoy!
"Please note that the content of this video and photos included scenes of children so I beg you not share it with anyone. Moreover, it is prohibited to copy, share, transmit, retransmit, transcribe, store, altere or reproduce this content in any electronic or mechanical means  without written permission from the author. "

"Ten en cuenta que el contenido de este vídeo y las fotos incluye escenas de menores de edad por lo que te ruego no lo compartas con nadie y lo visualices solamente tú. Además, está prohibido copiar, compartir, transmitir, retransmitir, transcribir, almacenar, alterar o reproducir por cualquier medio electrónico o mecánico este contenido, sin permiso por escrito por parte del autor."

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