An interesting link, wasn´t it?
Well not to say, I highly recommend the book. It´s easy to read, and once you started, you won´t want to stop!
The great law
of WBT is ….
"The longer we talk the more students we
You might be now asking yourself….Well Judy,
what to do?
Before we explore Whole Brain Teaching´s
strategies, let´s start with what not to do?
So remember
What to do then?
To track teaching improvements use a simple, but crucial measure, to make a weekly evaluation of your teaching and your students.
Do you want to know what I do?
To help on with my process of refletion on my teaching strategies and students progress I will ask my students to answer the following question (10 minutes) at the end of each lesson.
What have I learnt?
What did I contribute or improve?
What did I enjoy?
What could I have done differently?
As they are
writing, I will do the same and chart my teaching and students behaviors for the lesson.I give myself a ranking on each lesson of 1-10 ( 1 being the lowest, 10 the highest). This helps me to imply a more systematic process of collecting, recording and analyzing my thoughts and observations, as well as those of my students. Taking into account the 4 question I ask them, also helps me to develop their positive attitude making them feel our trust on them and promoting the awareness and acceptante as team members.
The rating helps me to stay focused on where I need to improve and WBT gives me ideas and approaches to motivate my students helping them jump out is the box and adopt a positive attitude.
Thanks WBT
by helping me reach heaven! I welcome you all to try.
Be in soon! Wooohooo
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