lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

The big 7!

Building bridge to your teaching

Here they are!!!!

     The "Big 7", a powerful teaching technique.
This is going to be a briefly description for now but let me tell you....
Your teaching career starts here!!!
On my journey using the big 7, really has made a big difference as I am learning to involve more brain areas.
  • Class-yes and Hands and eyes have woken up their attention and ready to receive something new, it works wonders!
  • Teach-okey and switch is amazing! I no longer do all the talking and that means not losing my students because they are all engaged in the lesson.
  • The five classroom rules. Who said challenging students? Not me!
  • The scoreboard is totally motivating and it has helped me bring up positive attitudes.
  • Mirror is a great tool to encourage students to take risks, have a go and get things wrong. It gives students a "safe" way to practice oral skills without being embarrassed....
.....I can keep on talking with non stop 
but as I said before, 
this was only going to be a briefly description.

Do you remember the great law of WBT

"The longer we talk, the more students we lose"

Well "The Big 7" is our tool

"Kiss your brain!!!"

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I love so much the quote of Benjamin Franklin; it's so true. In fact, I have it in the conclusion of my syllabus design of the oposición :)
