What Makes a great teacher?
The other day my friend and colleague Ana sent this to me:
“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning”
Yes! Just smile because this is what we all want.
You might be asking yourself "Yes, but how?"
It´s as easy as three letters put together:
Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) has allowed for me to help my students become critical thinkers, meet the multiple intelligences of my students and provide effective classroom management.
WBT marked the beginning of what appeared was going to be an interesting but fun journey. Little did I know, things were about to get even better. Now that I have become a Gold Certified Instructor and I am happy to say that it is going AMAZING!
Thank you Chris Biffle and Nancy Stoltenberg, WBT has not only helped my challenging students but as a bilingual school, it has brought up communicative competence, motivation, laughter,... I love being in this team
Do you want to hop in? Welcome then!
Yes... I can write a comment on your blog!!!!
ResponderEliminarThis is great, Judy! You are off to a great start (Hop)!
Mrs. Stoltenberg's Second Grade Class