jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Sharing is growing 3rd meeting

Teachers make a difference and I can say that WBT has made the magic come into my classroom. 

Yes, we have shared what it has done and I feel we will enjoy WBT. 

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Sharing is growing 2nd meeting!

This last year we had a second meeting with some great teachers that want to know more about WBT.
Well, that is easy to answer ......because we feel it is really working in our school and we want to spread it out not just for the bilingual programme but to all subjects and WBT has a great Free-ebooks for you all.

Get rolling with the 2nd edition of WBT "122 amazing games"


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"Ten en cuenta que el contenido de este vídeo y las fotos incluye escenas de menores de edad por lo
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sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

The cone of learning

We all are looking for a nature of involvement where learner is both motivated to learn and engaged in active learning.

But, what is active learning?
Active leaning involves the learner answering for themselves the question 
"How does this relate to what I already know 
and how does this benefit me?"

As educators we are promoting LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) as well as HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) helping our students to start to implement the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of new knowledge.

As educators, we know that the highest level of understanding is achieved when a student knows the material well enough to teach it. 

WBT gives kiddos that opportunity through the use of 5 steps lesson plan.Check 5 lesson plan. How?
Acquired knowledge. It is important to know the prior knowledge of our students of the subject. This includes Wh-questions: Who? What? Where? When? Do you know? 
Now lets get started into the 5 step lesson plan

We need to begin with step 1 up to step 2. Question to Acquired comprehension. Kiddos are able to explain and understand the knowledge. This includes questions as Can you identify...? Name...., List....
Once kiddos have mastered the basic understanding, s/he is ready to move on to the next level which involves using that information in some way. This entails applying higher-order thinking skills, or:
Here comes step 3, applying/analysing that is being able to apply understanding or knowledge by giving out examples, contrasting, debating as well as interpreting knowledge in relation to context.
Lets go on to step 4, assessment to evaluate its merit using "Cutie"
And finally reaching step 5, Synthesis and creating where kiddos are able to apply knowledge in a new setting and use information.

WBT stands for HOTS. What about you?