sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Sharing is growing 2nd meeting!

This last year we had a second meeting with some great teachers that want to know more about WBT.
Well, that is easy to answer ......because we feel it is really working in our school and we want to spread it out not just for the bilingual programme but to all subjects and WBT has a great Free-ebooks for you all.

Get rolling with the 2nd edition of WBT "122 amazing games"


"Please note that the content of this video and photos included scenes of children so I beg you not share
it with anyone. Moreover, it is prohibited to copy, share, transmit, retransmit, transcribe, store, altere or
reproduce this content in any electronic or mechanical means  without written permission from the author. "
"Ten en cuenta que el contenido de este vídeo y las fotos incluye escenas de menores de edad por lo
que te ruego no lo compartas con nadie y lo visualices solamente tú. Además, está prohibido copiar,
compartir, transmitir, retransmitir, transcribir, almacenar, alterar o reproducir por cualquier medio
electrónico o mecánico este contenido, sin permiso por escrito por parte del autor."

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